1. Download the theme
  2. Unzip the file

1# Download the theme

Ready to get started? First you need to download your theme.

  1. Access your account at BindTuning.com;
  2. Go to My Downloads, mouse hover the theme and click View Theme to open the theme details page;
  3. Last but not least, click on Download.


Ok, on to unzipping the file.

2# Unzip the file

After unzipping your theme package, you will find two folders, a FarmSolution folder for Farm environments, and a SandboxSolution folder, for Sandbox environments. You will be using one of the two folders to install the theme, depending on the environment you are working on.

But first lets check out what is inside the theme package.


── res 📁

└── Eula.rtf

└── yourthemename.SP2013.wsp

└── logo.png

└── start.png

── Install.yourthemenamePackage.ps1

── Setup.exe

── Setup.exe.config


── .yourthemename.SP2013.wsp

Now let's get your website rocking! First thing on the list is to check all the Requirements.